Trudy VNIRO. Volume 162. 2016. Stress, pathology and diseases of hydrobionts

Trudy VNIRO. Volume 162. 2016. Stress, pathology and diseases of hydrobionts

Reshetnikov Yu.S., Popova O.A., Novoselov A.P.
The Modern State of Salmonid Fishes in the North-East of Europe

A.V. Kon’kova, N.N. Fedorova
Pathomorphological changes of erythrocytes of bream juvenile Abramis brama of the Volga-Caspian basin

Fajzulina D.R., Bazelyuk N.N., Aksenov V.P.
Some aspects of the pathological parameters of the biochemical indicators of the blood of the Caspian roach Rutilus rutilus caspicus and bream Abramis brama in the modern environment conditions of the Volga- Caspian basin

Voronina E.A.
Monitoring of infections and invasions of the caspian kilka

Koroleva I.M.
Hematological indices of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus in the waters of the Kola north

Mineeva O.V.
Parasites of Burbot Lota lota in the Saratov reservoir

Mineev A.K.
Abnormalities of the eyes of young cyprinid fish of the Saratov reservoir

Ku’zmina V.V.
Effect of zinc and copper on the gut protease activity providing non-specific protection of fish

Zabotkina E.A., Golovanov V.K., Golovanova I.L.
The changes of the immunocompetent cells ultrastructure in the kidney, spleen and liver in Amur sleeper Perccottus glenii at the influence of pesticide Roundup

Klishin A.Y., Kanieva N.A., Fedorova N.N., Badzhaeva O.V.
Violations of organs and tissues of molluscs genus Unio under the influence of oil

Volodina V.V., D’yakova S.A.
Conditional-pathogenic microflora of the caspian seal (Phoca caspica) and its habitat under the anthropogenic pressing

Naumova A.M., Naumova A.Y., Loginov L.S.
Epizootological monitoring fish farms and fishing ponds Russia

Rudakova S.L.
The science-based approach for maintenance of aquatic animal health security of Russian aquaculture

Eleev E.L., Grischenko L.I., Zabotkina E.A.
Herpesvirus infection in sturgeons: pathomorphology, pathogenesis and diagnosis of disease

Lartseva L.V.
Saprolegnia caviar pike perch in artificial breeding in the Delta of the Volga river

Belyakov A.A., Fedorova, N. N., Grushko, M. P.
Changes of cells and tissues of juveniles of Shemaya (Chalcalburnus chalcoides) in artificial cultivation

Gavrilin K.V., Suvorova T.A., Ponomarev A.K.
The possibility assess of use of preparations for stimulate metabolic processes, for correction of stress and accelerate the regeneration tissue of fish

Tkachenko H., Grudniewska J.
Effect of chloramine-T disinfection on oxidative stress biomarkers in the gill tissue of grayling (Thymallus thymallus)

Tkachenko H., Grudniewska J.
The alterations in the oxidative stress biomarkers in the brain tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) vaccinated against furunculosis

Tkachenko H., Buyun L., Terech-Majewska E., Osadowski Z., Sosnovskyi Ye., Honcharenko V., Prokopiv A.
The antimicrobial activity of some ethanolic extracts obtained from Ficus spp. leaves against Aeromonas Hydrophila

Obukhova O.V.
The effect of salts of copper, zinc and cadmium on the growth and biological aggressiveness of opportunistic Microflora

Gandziura V.P., Korevo N.I.
Peculiarities of fish phosphorus balance at a high Cd 2+ content in water